Sunday Worship 10:00 & 6:30 Thursday Worship 7:00


As you have been reading this, has your heart been stirred?  The Holy Spirit works through the reading of God’s Word to quicken our hearts and nudge us toward Him.

Maybe you have already given your heart and life to Jesus Christ and are truly a blessed man or woman, but you have not been meditating on His Word as you know you should and have not been flexible to what He wants for you.  Possibly you have been allowing the pressures that surround you in this life to take your eyes off your Savior and you need to allow Christ Jesus in you to “push back” against them.  You know you need His strength in you day by day.  Take this time right now to humbly bow your heart to God.  Admit to Him your need, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and guide you.  Ask Jesus to give you spiritual eyes to see His working in your life.  Commit to Him your thoughts and actions, ask Him to help you to focus more on Him.

…or, maybe you have never admitted that you are a sinner.  You have lived your life up to this point exactly how you wanted.  And now, in reading this Newsletter you have been made aware of the blessed life that is given to those who are born again.  How does one become born again?  Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, came to earth to live a perfect life.  He paid the price for yours and my sins by dying on the cross, a choice He made out of His love for you and me! The sacrifice of His life is enough to cover your sins and make you right before God the Father.  But it is your choice.  You must choose.  If you see your need to have Jesus Christ as your Savior, you must admit that you are a sinner with a heart that wants to change and confess those sins to God asking Him for forgiveness.  God always hears your prayer and He will forgive you and wash away all the sins you have ever done.  The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, He [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9. Praise the Lord!  With Christ living in you, you are free.  Free from your sins that chained you, free from guilt of the past, free from the fear of tomorrow.  You have someone - the Holy Spirit- living in you 24/7, giving you strength to live each day no matter the circumstances you are in.  His peace will fill your heart!  Praise His name!

Friends, if you are willing to meditate on the Lord Jesus Christ, if you are willing to not walk, stand or sit in the presence of ungodliness, then God will plant you like a strong tree.  You will be a tree with roots running deep down into His Word – getting life giving water.  You will have leaves that grow up toward the “Son” shine and the fruit that you produce will show others that Christ lives in you!  You will be a “blessed” man or woman.  You will truly be Living the Blessed Life.