Word Of Truth Bible Institute
What is "WTBI"?
WTBI is an institute created by Word of Truth Christian Church to provide continuing education courses in Biblical study for all ages. Whether you are a new or mature Christian, we believe these courses will benefit you greatly in your walk with Jesus Christ. Each class is taught by Spirit-filled Christians who have been called by the Lord Jesus Christ to teach the Word of God. Most of these classes are accompanied by a syllabus and an assignment given by the instructor. Feel free to complete these assignments and turn them in, or just audit the class if you are not interested in completing the work. No matter what you do with these classes, our prayer is that they bring you into a deeper walk with Jesus.
Continuing Biblical Education
Most Recent Class
"The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and its Pentecostal Distinctives" - Part 1
An overview of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4 & Mark 16:17. To show from a biblical standpoint its being a subsequent and separate experience from salvation, as well as its relevancy for our time and purpose and role in the Christian's life today.
Taught by: Pastor Jerry Hunt
September 22nd - 27th
6:45-8:45 EST

Available Online Courses

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and its
Pentecostal Distinctives - Part 1
Classes 1-7
A Video Course