Sunday Worship 10:00 & 6:30 Thursday Worship 7:00

WTBI - LifeLine Correspondence: Beatitudes

Welcome to LifeLine Correspondence: Beatitudes Course written by Pastor Jerry Hunt.  This course is offered via our website and email communication. The button at the bottom of this paragraph will take you to the first of twelve lessons. Take your time reading and studying each lesson.  Below each lesson are questions to check your understanding of what you have learned.  You will also find a place for prayer requests, praise reports, and an area where you can recommend others to this course.  We will send those you recommend, a link, or mail them a paper copy of the first lesson.  Once we receive your submitted answers, we will grade your response and send it back to you with a link to the next lesson.  We pray that during this course you grow closer to Jesus as you understand more and more the wisdom found in His Word.